Born in 1987 in Montpellier, France. Lives and works in Paris.
Baptiste Rabichon, Epreuve chromogène unique, 195 x 127 cm ©Baptiste Rabichon, Courtesy Galerie Paris-Beijing.
©Fabrice Laroche
After his studies of viticulture and oenology, Baptiste Rabichon continued his formation in the Ecole nationale supérieure d’art in Dijon (ENSA), the Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Lyon (ENSBA) and finally the Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris (ENSBA). In September 2015, he entered the Studio national des arts contemporains, Le Fresnoy.
His work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions in France and abroad. His photos have been published in the books Libraries (2015), Scanners Frolics (2015) and En ville (2018). He had received the awards Moly-Sabata and has been laureate of the BMW Residency, Flash France and Écritures de lumières.
Baptiste Rabichon plays with nature and chance to create poetic photographs from ancestral and modern methods of photography.
Baptiste Rabichon likes as much the ancestral methods of photography (photograms, cyanotypes, pinhole camera) as the tools of modern imagery, that he tries to push in their entrenchments.
The floral motifs that characterize the series 17ème are created from real flowers picked by the artist during his walks, sometimes mixed with scans, then projected into the photosensitive paper. It is undoubtedly the collision between control and accident that gives these works their peculiar chimerical appearance.
Body and objects are marked by a dichotomy between darkness and light, interior and exterior, which also translates two essential phases of his work.