Born in 1950, Koningshof, Belgium. Lives and works in Antwerp.
" 11 June 1730 " ©Karel Fonteyne
The fingerprint of a child’s soul is the emotional imprint of his early reactions to impressions and experiences. We are who we were.
‘As a young boy I used to wander through the twilight of the woods. Strange feelings slipped into my veins as the universe made me a witness of what one can’t tell or describe.
I loved to build small camps with branches and cover them with dried grass. Sitting inside gave me a very strong attachment to nature.
Sounds, smells and movement covered me with a coat of inner silence and frozen motion. It was like entering another dimension, cuddling loneliness.’
He started to read, especially South American writers such as Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Adolfo Bio Casares, Octavio Paz and Julio Corthazar, as they were very connected to his way of thinking. More attracted by the inner than the outside world, and after having seen movies by Bergman, Fellini and in particular ‘Fuglane’ by Terjei Vesaas, which impressed him with the incredible pictorial description of the inner lives of the three characters and the nature surrounding them, he started to photograph. The ingredients of his photographs are quite dark: the unknown loneliness and the mysteries of the live puzzle are never far away. He likes to combine things which have nothing in common and gives them an unexpected meaning and direction.
‘I usually don't photograph what I see but how my mind reflects it.’